Thursday, December 31, 2009
Happy New Year!!! :)
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Fields of the Fatherless Study Starting Soon
Monday, December 28, 2009
Adoption Conference
I used to hate adoption.
No, I never thought I hated adoption. As a matter of fact I always saw myself as enthusiastically pro-adoption. I was pro-life, after all. I believed that adoption was a better alternative to abortion. And I even talked about adopting children one day after my wife and I had had our “own kids.”
And then God, through infertility, miscarriage, and two little boys in a Russian orphanage, changed my understanding of the gospel, of mission, and of myself.
Here in Louisville we’re going to be hosting a conference on adoption entitled, “Adopting for Life,” to take place February 26-27, 2010. I hope you’ll be joining us.
You may be wondering whether this will be a conference about the doctrine of adoption or “real” adoption. Well, one of the things that we’ll be discussing is the fact that you can’t talk about the one without talking about the other. Also, it is not as though we master one aspect and then move to the other—from the vertical to the horizontal or the other way around. That’s not the picture God has embedded in his creation work.
The Bible tells us that human families are reflective of an eternal fatherhood (Eph. 3:14-15). We know, then, what human fatherhood ought to look like on the basis of how Father God behaves toward us. But the reverse is also true. We see something of the way our God is fatherly toward us through our relationships with our own human fathers. And so Jesus tells us that in our human father’s provision and discipline we get a glimpse of God’s active love for us (Matt. 7:9-11; cf. Heb. 12:5-7). The same is at work in adoption.

So we’ve invited a number of great speakers to “Adopting for Life” who will seek to equip us to create a culture of adoption in our families and churches. We’ll be answering questions such as, “What does adoption have to do with the Great Commission?”, “How can I pay for adoption?”, and “How can we start an adoption ministry in my church?”—along with so many others.
I would love to see you here in Louisville for the “Adopting for Life” conference, as we think together about how God might be leading us to be on mission with Christ for the sake of the orphans of the world.
For the Kingdom of Christ,
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Waiting for a Family
Child ID: 8762
State: CO
Birthday: 4/2006
Grade in school: P
Special Interests: Trains, animals, outdoors
Ethnicity: Hispanic
Listed On: 12/2009

Name: Alfred B
Profile: Little engines can do big things, according to Thomas the Tank Engine, and train-loving Alfred is a little guy who may surprise you with the big things he'll accomplish in life! In addition to being a huge fan of Thomas, this 3-year-old also loves playing outside, and on a recent trip to the zoo was able to name most of the animals. Alfred is in preschool and loves it. He is good at remembering games and gets along well with the other children. Alfred has a chromosome deletion and is waiting on a developmental evaluation to see the extent of his delays and to determine if he will be able to live independently as an adult. He can have a great life. Financial assistance may be available for adoption-related services. For Colorado children, both homestudied and non-homestudied Colorado families are encouraged to inquire; only homestudied families from other states should do so.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Praises from the Adoption Exchange
Rejoicing over all of these kids who have found their forever families!!! :)
♥ Four brothers and sisters, ages 3 to 12, are spending Christmas together with their new family this week. No longer will they worry that they will grow up separated from each other!
♥ Another sibling group of three will hang their stockings together in their own living room with a new mom and a new dad!
♥ An 18-year-old boy is being adopted! He will now have a family to help send him to college and to be there when he comes home for the holidays!
Monday, December 21, 2009
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Classes available for Adoptive Families
Helping Children Cope: Promoting Placement Stability: Using Home Visits to Prevent Foster Care and Adoption Disruption Contact Denise Leffingwell at 303.755.4756, ext. 264 |
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Family Tradition Idea

Saturday, December 12, 2009
Family Traditions
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Colorado Siblings need a Family

Contact The Adoption Exchange for more information at 303-755-4756
Name: Brianna F
Child ID: 8749
State: CO
Birthday: 12/1998
Grade in school: 4
Special Interests: Music, sports
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Listed On: 11/2009
Sibling Name: Deja B
Child ID: 8750
State: CO
Birthday: 5/1996
Grade in school: 7
Special Interests: Sports, hanging out with friends
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Listed On: 11/2009
Sibling Name: Elijah F
Child ID: 8751
State: CO
Birthday: 4/2000
Grade in school: 3
Special Interests: Playing outside, sports
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Listed On: 11/2009
Name: Brianna F
Profile: Need some action and excitement in your life? This sibling group of three is just your answer! Deja, Brianna, and Elijah are fun and full of energy. They are looking for a forever family who will keep them together and support them into adulthood! Do you think beautiful fingernails and sports can't mix? You haven't met Deja. She enjoys doing her hair and nails and spending time with others. She also stays active by playing sports. With so many interests, it is no wonder she is social and gets along with others beautifully! Deja is in the seventh grade and doing well in school. She is close with her current foster parents and would like to get to know potential adoptive parents before deciding that they are the family for her. Brianna is an energetic girl who describes herself as a tomboy. She relishes playing sports and being outside. Listening to music and spending time with her foster parents are two other things you can find Brianna enjoying. In the fourth grade, Brianna benefits from an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) and does well when interacting with others. The only boy of the group, Elijah, is very active and likes to spend time outdoors and playing sports. He is affectionate and thrives on individual attention and love. In the third grade, Elijah will soon be tested to determine if he currently has a need for an Individualized Education Plan (IEP). All three children benefit from counseling, which will need to continue after placement. Each of the children have relationships, especially with their siblings, that they want to maintain in the future. The caseworker only accepts inquiries on the entire sibling group, who will be placed together. All family types will be considered. Financial assistance may be available for adoption-related services. For Colorado children, both homestudied and non-homestudied Colorado families are encouraged to inquire; only homestudied families from other states should do so.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Sunday, December 6, 2009
God's Word